Monday, July 18, 2016

The Social Turn

I was always interested in politics and working for the society. I guess the term always goes back to college and post that. After finishing college, I wanted to work in a corporate and I joined an e-learning company and worked there. Post that continued to work in different companies. I loved my work and was completely passionate about it. Life changed in 2012. I started realizing the inventiveness and futility of working in the corporate sector. I could make a choice between going back to the corporate sector and working for the society. Alas, I made the wrong choice of going back to the corporate sector.

I worked till 2014, and then quit my job to move back to Chennai. I thought of trying something new. But the temptation to go back to an IT job was very high. So here again, for the second time, I make the wrong choice. During 2015, I started to realize my mistake. I found it difficult to work because I realized I was not adding any value. Finally, I decided to quit the corporate world for a new meaningful existence.